Tea time
"God may our devout prayers be heard by u, we all grow up thru the sufferings u give us to learn, may it be that we all gain the knowledge from our sufferings & that we all grow up. We all grow up w.sum incidents of pain, may u lead us thru."-Amazing Joy

目前分類:Americano (10)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2007-06-14 ◤戰敗情場。◢ (66) (0)
2007-06-13 ◤水草的牽絆。◢ (46) (0)
2007-02-14 ◤情人節。◢ (70) (0)
2006-10-14 ◤又一個夜晚。◢ (48) (2)
2006-10-01 ◤秋夜。◢ (49) (2)
2006-07-15 ◤南半球、北半球。◢ (44) (13)
2006-07-04 ◤天與地、你和我。◢ (33) (6)
2006-04-07 ◤退一步,海闊天空。◢ (29) (13)
2006-02-06 ◤掙扎。◢ (36) (11)
2005-10-18 ◤抽象的畫。◢ (33) (0)